

Who We Are Now
Since 1988, God Himself has trained Dr. Melissa Hood, preparing her for “such a time as this!” Through extensive intercessory prayer and testing, walking her through some of hell’s finest attacks to help/teach her how to maneuver as a very high-level intercessor. An Armor Bearer to the King learning the things of the heart! At Ezekiel’s Wheel, God has used Dr. Hood to train other intercessors to get cleaned up, grow up, and learn to step up into high-level power. But only at the directives of God. Ezekiel’s Wheel is here to train your church’s intercessors and help clean them up so your church can step into that same level of authority for your church’s calling. Our motto at Ezekiel’s Wheel is “never give up and keep looking up, no matter what,” because these are the attributes of a WINNER! And that is what we train you to be! To win through Christ in you, exceedingly, abundantly above anything you could ask or think. The entire staff and team of Ezekiel’s Wheel Ministries have experienced God’s life-transforming power in record time because of extensive God-given strategies. And Dr. Hood wants more people to experience a life transformed like this. We live in times where time is of the essence, and Dr. Hood believes that it is time for the BRIDE to step into war mode by entering the heart of God to where she can genuinely ABIDE in God’s power.
From Dr. Missy


High Quality Courses

Ezekiel’s Wheel Ministries offers Quality information/revelation teaching intercessors how to battle HIGH level witchcraft, while getting them cleaned up thoroughly! While teaching you how to maneuver through Gods heart yearly helping you to understand what you go through spiritually, why, and how to overcome.

Expert Instructors

Ezekiel’s Wheel instructors have been in the teaching field for over 30 years, with most combining their expertise in teaching with bible. So, we know how to teach you in all 4 learning styles to equip, train, and prepare you for the future!

Life Time Access

Every member signs an NDA, but once you have signed it, gotten your login/password info, you can move to our video courses, where you can stay & learn, or you take what you learn to help you in your regions. Which helps intercessors to stay on track because they have been taught how to move with God again! But this time VERY QUICKLY.

Where We Came From

We move through life unconsciously without the realization of progress until we hit spiritual markers which make us take notice of how far God has brought us.

I am Dr. Missy Hood, and 41 years ago, I was struggling with learning and seeing visions  (a walking/talking radio tower- ALL THE TIME).

I had a BIG FAITH and would tell my parents that God could give me anything I asked for which He did every time I asked. But I only asked for things God placed into my heart because I never had any focus for things outside of that.  I didn’t understand jealousy/envy and all the garbage we seem to see today, and honestly, I have never understood that concept because none of us will ever be able to live the life of another person- just our own. 

As a young kid, I was carefree and happy, until I started being sexually abused by someone outside my family. The abuse stopped when I stayed close to my dad at family functions.

I later learned that the enemy was after my heart (capacity to love -even myself)/prophetic gifts, and my capacity/gift of love which is what abuse causes: “Forced Trauma”.  Forced Trauma has affected many in society through events outside of our control but what the enemy means for evil God uses for our good (Joseph).  Because the Holy Spirit is raising us up for the Joel 2:5 Army.

However, like trauma affects a heart, after the abuse, my life started spiraling out of control, causing Bulimia, and continuing to digress until my 22nd year, when my entire world blew apart.

I had known God, but not as well as I was fixing to know Him, because on Oct 31, 1987, my father would pass away suddenly on a family outing that exploded my entire “God understanding.”  That was the date God stepped up to “Father” me Himself and began teaching me about Kingdom.  God mentoring me as I could never find anyone to teach me what I now know prophetically.   I had been partying the night before with my boyfriend, drinking, and doing all the things my Christian family had raised me not to do.  However, 8 mos. later, (I was 26), I broke up with that boyfriend, enrolled in college, and decided to start learning about my God because I was demanding answers. I started having this unbelievable drawing/compassion to help people, and a year later, God took me into Heaven where I got to see my dad again, speak to him, hug him (literally- like I would you), and my dad told me that God was going to use my vessel to help bring the Glory/Love back into His Church.

My life went on afterwards ( for 5 more years) with God using me to design  million-dollar productions.  When my choir director told me he was praying for me to work professionally for churches to which I retorted “NOPE, DONT YOU DARE!  I’m going to go to Hollywood”,  but I began to feel a sense of sadness that I couldn’t put my finger on until years later.

After  my 4th big motion picture  while I was leaving a movie wrap party with Mi Mi Rogers (Austin Powers) and other production crew, (God  began to speak to me.  He had opened the door for me to enter the movie industry /costuming arena & my career was booming).   I heard a voice say to me  “Ok, if this is what you “Think” you want to do, I’ll let you chase this dream.  But one day soon, I’m going to come get you so you can chase Mine!” 

I spent the next 10 years designing on giant movie sets for Paramount and Warner Brothers films, but quickly realized it wasn’t my passion. I had tried to work in the working world  prior  but wound up losing 40 jobs in 15 years because of how I learned. After walking on set one day and declaring “I hate this job” I heard God say:  “Good!  Now we can move on to My plan for your life! Instead of the one you’ve tried to create!”

God then pulled me out of the film industry, and put me into a mundane BORING technology job, and immediately started connecting me to prophetic ministries all over Austin, where I learned about business, myself, the dysfunction of the church and my God.  I believe He did it to show me the state of the church and myself before placing me into my TRUE dream of attaining a Masters in Occupational Education. Which would lead me to where I am today.

God showed me patterns in the ways I had learned, and I realized I could develop coping mechanisms to pass very difficult classes (with   easy A’s) taught by the most demanding professors in our university. Through my Master’s thesis I was now introduced to public speaking and I wrote my first book. Which God used to help me win awards, and help  transform the entire Texas State University Office of Disabilties Services by teaching professors how students (like myself) with ADD/ADHD learned from the inside out, instead of the outside in. Which was my invitational ticket into my Ed.D. program.   I use these same teaching techniques for my students today that I (myself) utilzed to learn with back in school because of how they help students accelerate quickly.  Which were adapted through all four learning styles ensuring students learn FAST! 

God then helped me graduate with my Ed.D. (in Educational Development/Transformational Leadership) on May 18, 2018. As He had also been teaching me a NEW WAY/VERY HIGH LEVEL WAY TO PRAY during this time, as He was raising up His Joel 2:5 army, and a particular regiment of warriors called the Ps 104:4 (Ministers of Fire!), to take challenging regions BACK for Christ.

God is teaching us how to stand back up  FAST and use our past to help others climb their mountains.

I believe I am one of those Church Reformer Leaders who God has called to teach the end time Army (along with many other Josephs in this season). He is teaching us how to maneuver through the 4 chambers of His  heart yearly (creating the birthing of Gods presence at high levels) to present a remnant/HIS BRIDE so that we can be the LOYAL, HONORING bride He meant for us to be.  As I believe this is the PREQUEL to the Latter Reign or Gods 2nd glory!